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时间:2009-01-09 09:55:03 来源:上海注册公司网

    Documents for the change of office address

    1. 申请书原件一份(首席代表签字,加盖代表处公章)
    An application letter to be signed by the responsible person of the ofice with the office seal (original)

    2. 租房协议复印件
    Copy of the lease contract of the office

    3. 出租方营业执照(加盖出租方公章)
    Copy of the business license of the lessor with its company seal

    4. 产权证复印件(或提供购房协议复印件、购房发票复印件、大厦销售许可证复印件加盖开发商公章)
    Copy of the ownership certificate with the seal of the owner (or copy of the purchase contract, copies of receipts for buying the house, copy of sales permit of the office building with seal of the developer of the office building if there is no ownership certificate)

    5. 原批准证书复印件(若有独立变更地址批准证书,请将该证书交回)
    Copy of the approval from Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce (The original previous approval for the office address change should be returned if there is any).

    6. 工商登记证原件
    the original registration certificate of the office

    7. 代表证原件
    The original working card of the chief representative and the repersentatives

    8. 外国企业常驻代表机构变更申请表(表4)
    Application (Form 4) to filled in by the office

    9. 其他相关表格
    Other related forms

    备案表1份 范例正在整理中,将尽快再网上发布
    One filing form
