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时间:2008-11-13 11:25:29 来源:上海注册公司网


    我代表              有限公司,兹 任命     先生/女士担任我公司驻合肥办事处首席代表。任期三年。

         董事长签名:  或总经理签名:



AnHui Municipal Foreign Economic
 Relations &Trade Commission
 190 Chao Nei St.
 AnHui. P.R. China         May 5, 2003


 Dear Sirs,

 On behalf of      CORPORATION we hereby appoint Mr.   to act as Chief Representative of the      CORPORATION   AnHui Representative office. The duration for this appointment is 1 years.

 Yours faithfully, For & on behalf of
 Managing Director

    *授权书也可称为任命书,委托书须备中、英(或日)文版本的原件。港澳企业只有中文件即可。*须由董事长或总经理签名及签名的印刷体。*须用贵公司的信笺。*须写明被委托者的具体职务,而不能写"全权负责办事处的事务",如:(对) 本公司任命ⅩⅩ先生担任北京办事处首席代表(错) 授权ⅩⅩ先生全仅负责本公司北京办事处的事务*如贵公司拟委任董事长或总经理当中的任何一位兼任办事处首席代表,则需有贵公司两名以上负责人的签名。

    *The appointment letter should be original and typed in both Chinese and English. A Hong Kong or Macao enterprise can provide a Chinese version.*The appointment letter should be signed by the president or managing director of the enterprise. With his typed English/Chinese names.*It should be typed on company paper with heading.*The title of the appointee should be clearly specified in the appointment letter. Please refer to the sample for details.*If the president or managing director of the enterprise is appointed as the chief representative or representative of the office the appointment letter should at least be signed by two leading members of the company


银行资信证明 (Credibility Letter)
_______ _银行 香港分行
    兹应我行客户"       有限公司[COMPANY LIMITED]"要求对该之资信出具简介如下:

成立日期:   年 月 日 
营业地址:香港  道   号  大厦 座 字楼  室:
    (旧地址:香港  号   商业大厦   字楼)
组  织:有限公司;
董  事:    先生、    女士;
注册资本:港币    万元;
实收资本:港币    万元;
往来情况:该公司于一九  年 月 日在我行开户,往来情况正常,我行给予该公司有  位数字之授信,并有押汇业务经我行叙做,过程满意,对一般正常商业往来可资信赖。


Hong Kong 7/3/1990
 Dear sirs,
 We confirm that ______ Corporation is a valued customer of this bank with an authorized   capital of _______ and a paid-up capital of   _______ and has maintained a well-conducted current account. It enjoy a substantial amount of our banking facilities in the  range of   minimum 6(or 8) figures and our relationship has been entirely satisfactory. We consider the corporation to be highly respectable and undoubted for their normal business engagements and that it is able to fulfill contractual obligation it enters into. The above information is provided in strict confidence and without any responsibility on the part of the bank or its officers.

*The credibility letter should be in its original form and signed by a responsible member of the bank and should contain such information as registered and paid-up capital as well as the credibility of the company.

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